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P3 express®
Practitioner Course
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P3 express is a project management framework comprising 33 management activities grouped into 7 categories: project initiation, monthly initiation, weekly management, daily management, monthly closure, project closure, and post-project management. The P3 express course is simple and practical, and suitable for the project management team who do project implementation.
How to obtain P3 express Certification
Candidates may obtain certification by
- Passing the P3.Express Practitioner
- Accepting the code of conduct
Validity of P3 Practitioner Certification.
Although certificates are permanent, they bear the year of issue; for example, “P3P-2022.” As more time passes since the examination, the level of confidence in the certificate may decline; for instance, a potential employer may be confident in a P3P-2022 certificate in 2023 but may not be in 2025. Re-certifying annually will help practitioners stay current. A fee for administrative fee is required only for the first attempt at the upgrade exam. The certificate could be revoked for serious violations of the code of conduct (s).
Exam Vouchers
Candidates may purchase exam vouchers from accredited P3 Express Educators accredited P3 express Education Partners or the testing centre.
Exam Format
- The P3express Practitioner test has 70 questions and a time limit of 100 minutes.
- It is an open-book.
- Only English is presently offered for the exam, but more languages will be added soon.
- The exam has a language assistance feature that, for around 90 minutes, automatically translates each question into any target language.
- To pass the test, candidates must receive a 67% or above score.
- The P3 Practitioner exam is a multiple-choice exam where a candidate will be required to choose one or more options.
The question will always indicate whether there are several choices to be made. While some questions specifically state how many options you should choose, others merely suggest that you choose more than one.
Each question is of one of the following types:
- Scenario-based: As opposed to a single, global scenario, over 80% of the questions are based on a brief scenario that is embedded within the question.
- Direct: Only 20% of the questions are scenario-free direct questions.
Questions are designed to challenge different levels of cognition:
- Cognitive level 1 (15% of questions): recalling
- Cognitive level 2 (55% of questions): recalling + basic analysis
- Cognitive level 3 (30% of questions): recalling + advanced analysis and deduction.
There’s no penalty for wrong answers, and all questions have the same weighting (1 point).
Group | Topic | Questions |
1 | NUPP | 4 |
1 | Code of Conduct | 3 |
1 | License and rights | 2 |
2 | Project manager | 4 |
2 | Sponsor | 4 |
2 | Peer reviewer | 3 |
2 | Custodian | 2 |
2 | Team leader | 1 |
3 | Initiations | 13 |
3 | Daily and Weekly Management | 8 |
3 | Closures | 4 |
3 | Post-Project Management | 4 |
4 | Deliverables Map | 2 |
4 | Project Description | 4 |
4 | Follow-Up Register | 6 |
4 | Health Register | 1 |
5 | Tailoring | 3 |
5 | Delivery method | 2 |