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Monitoring and Evaluation
Certification Program in Monitoring and Evaluation (CPME)

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The purpose of this course is to equip trainees with the requisite knowledge and skills to enable them to develop and apply practical methods/approaches for monitoring and evaluation of their projects, programs and institutions.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, the trainee should be able to:
1. Demonstrate understanding of M&E concepts, methods, and processes.
2. Design, implement and sustain effective M&E Systems.
3. Use of M&E results for institutional improvements.
Target group
This course is designed for Practitioners involved in designing, supervising, coordinating or monitoring interventions. Those working with government, local &international NGOs, corporate institutions, and all other stakeholders.
The whole training takes 64 contact hours, 8 of which will be dedicated to the Project Assignment.
Minimum of a bachelor’s degree or a diploma in Project Management or its equivalent from a recognized institution.